The ability to accessorize is what separates us from the animals
I think we all know by now that we are in the midst of some turbulent economic times. Perhaps the worst financial times this country has ever seen. Maybe the Great Depression was worse. I don’t really know because I didn’t really pay attention in my American History class.
And I’m certainly no economic genius, as evidenced by the solid D I received in Personal Finance 201, but I’ve always thought the key to getting out of debt involved not spending any more money. Which is why I tend to think we ought to just clear everyone out of Washington D.C. and start over from scratch, maybe hire some of those accountants from Price Waterhouse that tabulate the results of the Academy Awards every year.
But that’s just me.
I don’t know about you, but when the economic times get tough I like to shop for cute, inexpensive accessories. It’s because I’m a true patriot and feel like I should do my part to stimulate the economy. Actually, that’s not true. I really just don’t have much to write about tonight and spent a great portion of my day yesterday looking at accessories for a friend so I thought I’d share some of the great stuff I found along the way.
2. bold medallion leather bracelet
3. african turquoise on leather wrap bracelet
For some reason I can’t post the picture of these, but they’re cute. And are only $6.50. SIX AMERICAN DOLLARS.
Which, by the way, isn’t worth as much as it used to be.
5. boho locket pendant necklace
10. iznik scarf
Have you found any great accessories lately? I’d love to know about what and where and when. After all, this economic crisis isn’t going to solve itself.
Y’all have a great day.