I’m gonna get myself something real nice
I might as well confess that I accomplished nothing on my to do list yesterday. In my defense, however, I did attempt to take my car to get inspected but then realized I’d left my current proof of insurance at home. And by “left it at home” I mean I’ve never actually printed out the new one and the one in my glove compartment has been expired for months.
I’m also a little concerned that my car may not pass inspection because something is a little off with the left blinker. It only works when you hold it a certain way when you push it down. Apparently it’s been like that for weeks but I didn’t notice it until P pointed it out the other day. I figure I can just become like P’s grandmother who was known to map out her driving routes based on the way that required the least amount of left hand turns. And really, where do I go besides HEB and the pool?
Although I desperately need to get out to Nordstrom because they’re having their semi-annual sale and I need to look at all the things on sale that I won’t even know I want unless I see the incredibly marked down prices.
On a totally different note, look what came in the mail!
In case you don’t know what that is, I’ll tell you. It’s power. Pure media power.
According to the directions I’m supposed to start recording what we watch beginning this Thursday.
Those poor Nielsen folks don’t know they’re going to get a diary dedicated to old episodes of 90210, The Bachelorette, a bunch of hunting shows that contain the words “wild” or “adventure” in the title, Nascar, and every episode of Johnny Quest that has ever been broadcast because Caroline is addicted to Johnny Quest and we have them all on our DVR.
Basically, I don’t feel like our household is really going to help them get their finger on the pulse of American television viewing habits, which is kind of a shame because look what they sent to compensate us for a week of laboriously documenting our watched programs.
That is five American dollars. In cash.
Don’t think I’m not taking it with me to Nordstrom later this week.
If I can figure out a way to get there without making any left turns.
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