Birthday Club

I have a group of girlfriends that get together once a month for Birthday Club. We started it a year ago when went out for Gulley’s birthday and decided a night of laughs and margaritas is something all of us mom’s need everyday but we’ll settle for once a month. Our husbands love to ask how we have a birthday to celebrate every month even though there are only six girls. I’m not sure why putting a child to bed ONE night in every month is so difficult, but apparently it stresses them out.

Anyway, we went out last night and though there were only 4 of us there, we had a great time. We always start off with the usual chitchat but as the margaritas start to flow we get down to the real stuff. All of us are struggling with our own things, but it’s nice to be able to talk about without feeling judged or like you’re crazy. I think women do each other a great injustice when they get so busy playing the superior mother/wife/employee etc. that they forget to share how life sucking all of it can be. Perfection is a great goal, but we’ll drive ourselves crazy because it’s also impossible.

It makes me feel better to know I’m not the only one who feels like I’m about to lose it after having a 2 1/2 year old and 3 dogs needing my attention all day. I have a tendency to get “peopled out” and I thrive on silent downtime, which is something I don’t get very often. By the time I left to go out last night, I was yelling at the dogs “to please just leave me alone”. It was confirmation that once a month I need my birthday club to regain my sanity.

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