Mama said there’d be days like this
Last night Caroline decided that she wanted to spend the night with her Mimi and Bops, which is always totally fine with me. P. and I didn’t have any big plans so I just cooked dinner and we relaxed in the peace and quiet. I made homemade banana pudding and I have to say it was delicious. Best of all, I slept that long, hard sleep that you can only get when you know you’re not going to hear a little voice over the baby monitor saying “MAMA, come rock me!”
This morning I went to pick up Caroline pretty early because I knew she’d con her way into the swimming pool and after a rainstorm last night, it was way too cold for a morning swim. Thinking I was just running over to pick her up and bring her right home, I brushed my teeth, threw on cutoffs, a Texas A&M 1993 SWC champs t-shirt (it looks as nice as you’d think a 13 year old t-shirt would look), and my flip-flops and headed out the door.
As I was walking up the front walk at Mimi and Bops’ house, I discovered that I was wearing one hot pink and green flip-flop and one black flip-flop. Nice.
If you’re picturing how shabby I looked, multiply that image by 1000 and you’ve got it.
I quickly found out that Mimi had promised Caroline a trip to Shipley’s for donuts so I figured oh well, any place that opens at 4 a.m. has seen worse than mismatched flip-flops.
Apparently our next promised destination was to an upscale baby store that sells satin pillows. Caroline’s satin pillow had “broken” the night before and Mimi told her we’d get a replacement first thing in the morning. Don’t ask me why I agreed to go there in my mismatched shoes. Lack of caffeine or sense, not sure which.
Once in the store, Caroline is weighing the merits of each pillow very carefully. As she told the saleslady (who was very nice considering the tacky state of her clientele) “I have a little head so I need a little pillow”. We looked at pink pillows, yellow pillows, and purple pillows and then I looked down and saw a puddle where no puddle had been. Oh yes, the child of the very unkempt mother had tee-teed right on the floor. It was a proud moment.
I apologized profusely, cleaned up our little mess, quickly paid for the pillow and got out of there with my dignity a little worse for the wear.
This afternoon I had a meeting that was so boring that I can’t even do it justice with words. There’s an episode of Friends where Joey is telling Chandler how much he doesn’t like Janice and he says “she makes me want to rip my own arm off and throw it at her to get her to quit talking.” That was my meeting.
But the good news is that tonight P. fried fish for dinner and he does make the best fish in the world and Caroline went to bed without a peep so that’s always a blessing. Who knows? Tomorrow my shoes might even match.
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