Fashion Friday: Edition I can’t feel my face
On Tuesday morning I woke up with a raging sore throat and just knew I was coming down with a cold. I got Caroline off to school, popped some Tylenol and went back to bed.
And since I’ve been sick more in the last six years of being a mama than I have throughout the rest of my life, I just knew the sore throat was going to lead to heavy congestion and overall misery for me and everyone around me as I complained about how bad I felt. But then I woke up on Wednesday morning and the sore throat was pretty much gone and I felt fine. In fact, I even got out and accomplished a long list of errands that I’d been putting off for weeks.
(No, I didn’t buy deodorant. I have some sort of mental block at this point.)
So I complimented myself on my superior immune system and the power of my multi-vitamin, only to wake up yesterday morning with a head that felt like it might explode which would have been fine with me if it meant I’d feel better. I feel that I have come down with an exceptionally mean cold, especially because it toyed with my emotions and ultimately said, “SUCKER”.
And yet I still have to host a class party for first graders around noon today. May God have mercy on my soul.
Oh! On a completely different but equally pitiful note, I received a very nice email from a new reader named Amy yesterday. She just started reading the blog last week, saw my post about the denim puffy vest at Gap, and sent me this photo.

For those of you who may not share my addiction to reality television or People magazine, that is Tori Spelling wearing the denim puffy vest.
Is it the medication I’m taking or does it kind of look cute on her?
Amy, welcome to the blog. You made me so happy in the midst of my cough due to cold misery yesterday.
In spite of my ill health, I managed to find a couple of links I thought I’d share. This will be my last Fashion Friday post of 2009.
I know. SAD.
Also, please forgive the mediocrity of this post. In my defense, I’m high on Sudafed and self-pity.
1. Effortless Velvet Coat
I think I linked to this coat awhile back but at that time it was full price. It’s now almost 50% off and the sizes are going fast.
If you miss out on the coat, check out the rest of the Boden site. There are some great deals right now. I seriously cannot say enough about the quality of their kids’ clothing line.
Last summer when it was 106 every day, I couldn’t imagine that there would ever be a time when I would choose to wear accessories around my neck. But I have set a new personal record for consecutive days that I’ve worn a scarf.
It makes me so happy. I think it may be the best accessory ever invented.
3. Tulle Walking Coat
This coat is so cute and it comes in a rainbow of colors. It would look great paired with jeans or even with leggings and boots.
I’m a big fan of Tulle coats because they’re reasonably priced, but oh so cute.
I am in love with this scarf.
See? I have a scarf addiction but I’m trying to act like it’s not really a problem. I could quit at anytime. I could downgrade to a scarflette.
Is that even a real thing?
I honestly don’t know the answer, but I do think this scarflette is adorable even if it has a made up name.
6. Turquoise and champagne necklace
There is really nothing that adds more to an outfit than a great necklace.
Unless you have a scarflette.
This one is really pretty and I love the neutral colors mixed with the turquoise. Of course I love anything mixed with turquoise. It’s who I am.
For various reasons, Gulley and I got into a conversation the other day about things we feel strongly enough about that we’d wear a t-shirt proclaiming our love for it. I said I couldn’t think of anything other than maybe a Texas A&M shirt, but then Gulley threw down the “Riggins 33” gauntlet and I had to agree with her.
If you don’t watch Friday Night Lights then this means NOTHING to you.
Also, if you don’t watch Friday Night Lights then I am sad for you.
Also, if you do watch it and have DirectTV and are currently watching the new season, PLEASE do not tell me what is going on because I will have to be all “LALALALALALALA I CAN’T HEAR YOU” in the comments.
All I know is that based on the end of last season, my loyalties now lie with East Dillon as opposed to the Dillon Panthers. Go Coach Taylor.
Also, GO SUDAFED. How else can you explain that I just put a shirt about a T.V. show on Fashion Friday?
8. Hooded dress
I think this looks like a warm hug.
I’m always on the look out for clothing that would feel like pajamas yet be socially acceptable. I think this dress with some leggings would totally qualify.
9. Cardi Wrap
The Cardi Wrap is seriously the most versatile thing you can add to your wardrobe. If you don’t believe me then check out the BCBG site and all the different ways the models are wearing one.
10. Tassel Necklace
I’m not sure exactly why, but I have long been fascinated by this tassel necklace. It kind of reminds me of something my grandmother would have worn at some point in my childhood.
Granted, I’m not fascinated enough to pay full price, but I bet it will be on sale in about ten days.
That’s it for this week.
I’m off to take some more medication because breathing through my nose would be a real hoot right about now.
Y’all have a great Friday.