The way she looks tonight
This past weekend, Gulley went to her cousin Matt’s wedding. Matt is the only son of Gulley’s Uncle Glen.
Uncle Glen is one of the more colorful characters you will ever meet. He lives in a solar powered cabin that he built in the middle of nowhere and wears a belt with the name Russell on it because his Mama bought it for him at a garage sale. It is not inconceivable to think that the federal government may not know that Glen exists. Nena says he’s so odd because she cried so hard when she found out she was pregnant with him.
He really is one of the sweetest people ever. In college, he would always say “Boy, if I were younger I would marry one of you gals for sure.” We all loved him.
More recently, he has been dating a woman who apparently has some concerns about where he stands with God. In fact, Nena told us that Glen’s girlfriend called her and wanted them to all get together and watch (in Nena’s words) “a RELIGIOUS film” about the evils of drinking beer.
Anyway this weekend, the whole family was gathered together to attend the big wedding. Gulley said the photographer called the whole clan together outside the church to take a family picture. She said they were all standing together for the photo; cousins, aunts, uncles and Nena and Grandaddy.
The photographer snapped a few pictures and then Nena said, “Now get one of just me because I love this dress and I’ve never looked better.”
And that’s the memory that will really be the most important one of the day.