Ring the bells


Over the last week, Caroline has become a huge Travis Cottrell fan. Every time we get in the car she asks to listen to his song “2000 Years” and tells me “IT SOUNDS LIKE THUNDER, MAMA!”

In fact, on the way home from Luby’s Cafeteria on Saturday night (oh yes, we are living wild over here), she asked me to tell her all about Travis. So I told her about his lovely wife Angela and his three kids and how one of them is in Kindergarten just like her.

But that wasn’t enough.

When we got home she wanted to see a picture of Travis and his family, so I pulled up their picture on his website and we spent the rest of the evening listening to his music.

I believe this is how groupies are born.

Or maybe stalkers.

Anyway, the highlight of the evening was when I played her a few songs off his new Christmas album, “Ring the Bells”. I can say with all certainty that hearing Travis sing “Frosty the Snowman” may be one of the highlights of her life so far. I mean it’s one thing to sing about Jesus, but Frosty? Oh that is serious business.

Apparently, Caroline isn’t the only Travis Cottrell fan. “Ring the Bells” was released yesterday and is already at #4 on ITunes most downloaded holiday albums. He’s even ahead of George Strait.


Not to mention that CCM reviewed it and called it “the goose-bump inducing holiday record of the year”.

If you want to hear the greatness for yourself, then you can listen to a few full-length clips from the CD on his site.

I’m just proud to say that I used to podcast with him.

I have been so fortunate to listen to Travis sing at various events and the thing that amazes me the most is the way his music reaches everyone in the audience, no matter their age or background. He truly has a rare gift.

The soundtrack for Big Mama’s Christmas ’08 will be “Ring the Bells”. It is pure greatness.

This is your chance to win an autographed copy of “Ring the Bells”. I have ten autographed copies to give away and, trust me, you do not want to miss out on your chance.

If there was ever a time to comment for a chance to win, then today is the day. I’d LOVE for EVERYONE who reads this post to enter for a chance to win their very own copy of “Ring the Bells”. You have nothing to lose and giving yourself the best Christmas EVER to gain.


And if you want to, you can tell me the best present you’ve ever received for Christmas. Or you can just say “enter me in the contest”.

See how easy it is?

So go. Leave a comment. I’ll close them on Sunday night and announce the winners on Monday, October 13th.

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