My wish for you

After having a child free evening last night and getting to sleep in a little this morning, I am now paying for it because Caroline will not nap. I thought she had fallen asleep until I heard every book from her bookshelves being thrown on the floor. I went in to find books everywhere and she had torn another piece of her Wizard of Oz book. I said “Caroline, do not tear up your books.” I guess my tone of voice combined with that fact that she is truly exhausted caused her to burst into tears. After awhile she settled down as I rocked her and agreed to let her “rest” on the couch (which isn’t going to happen, but at least I know she’ll go to bed early tonight). She pulled back, smiled at me and said “look mama, I see myself in your eyes”. Maybe it’s because I’m a little extra emotional today but it made me all teary. I hope she can always see herself in my eyes because then I’ll know that she will always know how sweet, how charming, how precious she really is. Even more, I hope that I can teach her to see herself through God’s eyes because that will make her unstoppable.

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