Invasion of the Bees

P. and I took Caroline to the neighborhood pool on Saturday only to discover that the grill was closed due to an overabundance of bees. One lifeguard was quick to tell us that she even got
“stung on the spine”. I have to agree with P. when he said that unless bees are now burrowing into our skin, she really just got stung on her back. I don’t mean to sound unsympathetic, but no one on staff at the pool seems that concerned about the grill being closed, while I, as the mother of a toddler, view the grill as crucial to our pool enjoyment experience.

I met Gulley and her crew there today and yes, grill still closed. They now have it roped off with caution tape so it looks like maybe someone met a grisly end at the pool. The only fatalities I saw however, were bees floating in large jars of something that apparently is bad for bees.

No one is saying when the grill will reopen but in the meantime you can still purchase popsicles, drinks and slices of Double Dave’s pizza (for $2.00 per slice). So we left this evening after having an ice cream sandwich, but no dinner for Caroline which there again (and I can’t overstate this) is crucial to the pool experience.

So you might think I am a little overly obsessed with the pool food. Let me say that the food is completely mediocre for the most part. As P. says “what do I expect from food cooked by 14 year olds?” I have eaten a few meals there and it really all tastes the same, which is quite the accomplishment considering what a varied menu they offer.

For me the grill isn’t about the quality nourishment, but the ability to go to the pool, swim our hearts out and eat dinner all in one glorious stop. Granted (and as Gulley can attest) I spend most of our dining experience saying “Caroline, THIS IS YOUR DINNER, YOU NEED TO EAT, or you will get NOTHING ELSE when we get home”, to which she usually runs off to play with Jackson some more. The point is that by the time we get home and are at the point of sheer exhaustion, dinner is already out of the way and we can move on the bathtime and pajamas.

I realize that the bees got out of control, but have mercy call an exterminator, a bee keeper, anyone so that the proper order of things can be restored at the pool. I would kill for a soggy grilled cheese sandwich, which maybe explains the caution tape.

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