Because not all sin is bad
I’ve gotten a few emails and comments in the last few days from people letting me know they thought I had taken a break from blogging because my feed wasn’t showing up in their Bloglines.
If you’re having that problem, you might want to check and make sure you’ve updated the feed to my new url, which is or you can just click on the subscribe button in my sidebar. That way, you won’t have to spend countless hours of your day wondering if I have posted anything.
And for those of you who have asked, here is the recipe for Mississippi Sin Dip which, ironically, I got from Jennifer at Mississippi Girl.
Mississippi Sin Dip
1 loaf french bread
8 oz. container of french onion dip
4 oz. can green chiles, drained
1 package of bacon bits
2 cups grated cheddar cheese
8 oz. package of cream cheese, softened
And yes, all this cheese makes it seem very fattening, but think of all the calcium!
Plus, the bacon bits provide some protein.
Anyway, cut out top of french bread and scoop out insides. Mix all other ingredients together in a large bowl. Put the dip inside the loaf of french bread and put the top of bread back on. Wrap the whole thing in foil and bake 1 hour at 350. I personally love this served with Fritos Scoops, but it would be great with crackers too.
I can guarantee I’ll be making this a lot during college football season because watching the Aggies while eating fattening foods is what fall is all about.