Big Boo Cast: Episode 76


We managed to get in one more podcast before Sophie leaves for Kenya on a Compassion trip and I leave for, well, Houston for a soccer tournament. We talk about packing, T.V. shows and movies that might be worth watching on Sophie’s long plane ride, pants that might work in the heat, SEC baseball, and a case of mistaken identity.

You can click here to listen. Or here. You can even listen right here on the blog.

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Or, as always, you can subscribe on iTunes. We’d be honored if you’d leave us a review.

And if you’re on the Facebook, well, we are, too.

Here’s where you can get more info on the stuff / products / places we mention:

Magellan zip-off outdoor pants

Skechers GoWalk slip-on shoes

Hidden Figures

The Intern



Fantastic Beasts

– Sophie’s conversation with “Gerald McRaney”

– The real Gerald McRaney


NCAA Men’s Baseball Regional Bracket

NCAA Women’s College World Series Bracket

Closing Songs

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