Big Boo Cast: Episode 71

Sophie and I are beyond excited to have Coach Jackie Sherrill and his daughter, Bonnie Bishop, as guests on the podcast this week. For those of you who aren’t the college football enthusiasts we are, Coach Sherrill coached at both Texas A&M and Mississippi State and was one of the initial things Sophie and I bonded over when we first met eleven years ago. We also spend the last minutes of the podcast talking about T.V., my new favorite beauty product and dogs with intestinal issues.

Also, I’ve got another post going up at midnight tonight with a special one day – TWENTY FOUR HOUR ONLY – deal for my new book so make sure you don’t miss it.

You can click here to listen. Or here. You can even listen right here on the blog.

You can also listen on Stitcher.

Or, as always, you can subscribe on iTunes. We’d be honored if you’d leave us a review.

And if you’re on the Facebook, well, we are, too.

Here’s where you can get more info on the stuff / products / places we mention:

Jackie Sherrill

Bonnie Bishop

– Coach Sherrill on Twitter

– Bonnie on Twitter and Instagram

Bonnie’s website

Bonnie’s latest album

– Bonnie’s “Ain’t Who I Was” (there’s a little language 🙂 – but my goodness this is a phenomenal song)

(And a quick BigBoo PSA: if you’re drawn to the music Chris Stapleton, Jason Isbell, etc., then Bonnie Bishop’s music will be right up your alley.)

Last Chance U – Season 2

Jane the Virgin

Pentel Sign Pen (Sophie’s forever favorite)

Organic Rose Hip Oil – (By the way, a href=”” target=”_blank”>this article popped up in my Twitter feed this morning, and it sheds even more light on why Melanie has embraced this product.)


Hummingbird Farms Lavender Body Oil No. 6 (this stuff is a WONDER)

All in All, Sophie’s new devotional journal for young women

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