Another year, another fiesta
Last Thursday Caroline’s school had a little mini-fiesta. I am not kidding when I say it was better than the last sixteen parties I’ve attended. Granted, the last sixteen parties I’ve attended have basically just involved large bounce houses where kids jump until they regret their massive intake of icing and Juicy Juice.
However, the mini-fiesta was still impressive because they had a Mariachi Band, chalupas, snow cones and two kegs of Miller Lite.
Oh wait, I just got confused with a party I attended my senior year of college. Obviously the Kindergarten fiesta wouldn’t have chalupas because the refried beans are way too messy.
Anyway, the big moment of the party was when King Antonio showed up with his entourage. Caroline even got to get her picture taken with the king.

Disclaimer: Elmo was not harmed in the making of that hat.
After the king talked to them, the kids spent the next hour expending roughly the same amount of energy it would take to provide a major city with electrical power for a year. Or six.
I was assigned to work the Cascarone-making booth. For those of y’all who may be unfamiliar, a cascarone is a hollowed-out egg filled with confetti for the purpose of being smashed on someone’s head.
Yeah, that’s a good idea. Put those suckers in the hands of some five and six-year-olds and see what happens.
It’s been five days and I’m still finding bits of confetti in my hair.
But it’s a small price to pay for all the pandemonium and free chalupas.
I think.
Lastly, you should go read this post that Melissa wrote from India. She does an incredible job of describing what being a Compassion sponsor is all about.