Fashion Friday: Edition it is officially Christmas break

I think by the time today is over that almost all the kids will be on Christmas break. And so I think that means that it’s officially time to just eat cookies and watch movies and sleep late.

The end.

Here are some cute things I found this week.

1. olivaceous Dionne cardigan

Love the bright colors in this cardigan.

It’s $79.

2. gap pointelle sweater

This is such a great elevated basic sweater and it’s on sale for $35.

3. Sam Edelman Kai espadrille loafer

Love these loafers. Such a great shoe that would go with so many outfits.

They are $130.

4. gap 24/7 split hem cable knit sweater

Give me all the red sweaters right now. Such a pretty color and a great way to dress up jeans for the holidays.

This is $89.95.

5. pilcro sequin button-down shirt

If you need something festive for New Year’s, these sequin button downs are so pretty and are on sale for $102.70.

They come in several color options.

6. oversized chunky sweater coat

I have a sweater like this and I wear it all the time over everything from jeans and boots to leggings and athleisure.

It’s on sale for $31.19 and comes in several color options.

7. Bennett button-down stripe shirt

Love these button downs and this green stripe would be so cute both now and as you transition to spring.

It’s on sale for $68.60 and comes in other colors.

8. romy relaxed button-down shirt

This is another great shirt and I love this color way.

It’s $58.50 and comes in other colors and patterns.

9. high rise corduroy 70s flares

I ordered a pair of these and they are so good. They are super soft, true to size and just a great pair of pants.

They are on sale for $31.

10. long wool blend coat

I saw Princess Kate wearing a whole winter white look to a Christmas concert and it made me want a winter white coat. This probably isn’t the one she had on but it’s the same concept.

This is $58.99 and comes in other colors.

That’s it for today.

Have a good Friday.

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