Environmentally friendly is the only kind of friendly around here

Well, my goodness…I finally watched this week’s Project Runway and the cats were scratching. I guess the stress level is finally getting to them. That in conjunction with the fact that they had to make wearable clothing out of recycled garbage seemed to push a few people over the edge.

Anytime you have to make fashion out of something you get at a recycling plant and a craft store…you know there’s going to be trouble. When they showed Kayne’s dress with that huge flower and Tim called it a prom backdrop, I laughed out loud. I was worried though because I usually like Kayne, even if his designs are a little wild. He has that whole Southern more is more aesthetic and it usually works for him.

Michael, as usual, did a fab job. His outfit was clean, elegant and looked wearable. I said it last week and I’ll say it again, he appears to be the most talented designer. I also really liked Ulli’s dress and was surprised it wasn’t a top contender. Jeffrey’s dress was also good although I’m not sure it was a compliment when Michael Kors said he has a whole “ugly beautiful aesthetic” going on…most women aren’t really looking for “ugly beautiful” when they buy their clothes.

Where do I start with Laura? I like her style. She hasn’t made an outfit yet that I didn’t like, but my goodness someone forgot to take their medication. She managed to alienate every other person on the show before it was all over. When she told Kayne she always questioned his choices and he replied that he questioned her character? I thought we were about to see a good old fashioned cat fight.

I was really hoping that Vincent would be the one voted off. Kayne’s dress was bad and Allison’s dress with that Minnie Mouse hairdo…well bless her heart. But Allison has done some really cool things and Vincent is just bad every week. He also creeps me out and I’m pretty sure he creeps Michael Kors out which is probably saying something. Vincent kept talking about his dress turning him on and I was thinking, dude…keep it to yourself.

Sadly, Allison had to go and Vincent got to stay. Laura apparently wasn’t pleased with this because it ended with her telling Vincent off and I’m betting that at least that didn’t turn him on.

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