And speaking of a jungle…



It would seem that I haven’t been so great with the regular posting since I got home from Ecuador. I mean other than the giveaway for the HP computer, but that doesn’t really count. Especially when you consider that I am normally borderline obsessive about posting something new by midnight every night.

So I’m going to say that I am tired.

I know. It’s so lame.

But it’s so true.

We woke up at 4:00 a.m. on Saturday morning to catch our flight from Quito to Miami and I consoled myself with the thought that I’d be home on my own couch eating Mexican food by 7:00 Saturday night. But then American Airlines decided to have a “small mechanical issue” on my flight from Miami to Dallas and the next thing I knew I was throwing myself on the mercy of an American Airlines gate agent, begging her to get me on the next flight to San Antonio since they were the reason I missed my original flight.

And so I got home, just as fresh as a daisy, at 9:30 Saturday night.

After fifteen hours of travel.

I have spent the last several days hugging my people, eating guacamole and chips, and trying to catch up on sleep. I also went to the mall yesterday to buy new makeup because I’d told myself before the trip that I needed to buy new makeup as soon as I got home. But then I was at the mall and thought how absurd it was that I just got back from the poverty-stricken jungle and I’m spending $40 on tinted moisturizer.

Welcome to re-entry.

It is delightful. And conflicting. And just kind of hard.

But I still bought the tinted moisturizer because I was totally out and I’m forty years old and I need a good moisturizer. And then I just spent the rest of the afternoon feeling bad about it.

On the plus side, I don’t think I have malaria.

Not that I really ever thought I had malaria but, you know, I was in the jungle with mosquitoes. But since it appears I made it out without a single bite it looks like I’ll be okay.

Is this making any sense?

No. I didn’t think so.

My brain still isn’t functioning normally. As evidenced by the fact that I read a headline yesterday that said, “First interview with Giffords”. And I thought how weird because does any really care about Frank Giffords anymore? I mean, I know Kathie Lee is on The Today Show with Hoda and maybe she talks about Frank a lot. I don’t really know because I can’t watch Kathie Lee without wishing that television had never been invented and that feels like blasphemy and so I just stay away from that hour of The Today Show.

But then I realized about ten minutes later that the headline was actually referring to Congresswoman Giffords.

Yes. That makes more sense.

And, also, it’s Frank Gifford. Singular.

Anyway, I promise that henceforth I will be back to my regular Monday through Friday posting schedule. However, I can’t promise that I’ll write anything meaningful or useful.

In other words it will be back to normal around here.

Thanks for a little bit of grace as I get back to life as usual.


Y’all make sure and check out the Bare Minerals eyeshadow giveaway. Because it’s fabulous eyeshadow and you could win it! Just click over to my giveaway page.

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