A good wallow
Last Friday, Caroline and I went over to Gulley’s house to spend the afternoon. The kids all ran outside to play and, after a few minutes, came inside and begged us to let them play on the Slip ‘N Slide.
Well, who are we to deny them the opportunity to break an appendage while hurling themselves down on the hard ground in an attempt to glide across wet plastic?
Gulley got the whole thing set up for them and then we sat inside in the air-conditioning and watched through the window. A few minutes later, Caroline came running in to inform us that the Slip ‘N Slide had a hole and wasn’t working. What is the world coming to when you can’t count on a $7.00 piece of plastic to entertain your children for hours?
As a consolation prize, Gulley handed them the hose and told them they could just chase each other across the yard. This solution brought a cheer from the crowd, so we went inside and resumed our in-depth analysis of various flavors of pita chips and whether or not we plan to watch the new season of “The Bachelorette”.
(I’m a definite yes. Gulley is on the fence because she has standards and hobbies other than watching a bunch of twenty-somethings cavort in hot tubs across the world.)
All of a sudden, we both remembered that we had children and looked outside in time to see this.

Let’s take a closer look.

Life lesson #275: When life hands you a water hose, make a big mud puddle and pretend you’re a pig.
I just hope it’s not a sign that they’re coming down with the swine flu.