Some thoughts on some things
I’m not sure what my deal is, but I’ve felt a little tired and irritable over the last few days. Normally I can take a couple of Evening Primrose Oil capsules to level out my mood and give my hormones the illusion of serenity, but I got mad when I couldn’t open the bottle and threw it out the backdoor.
Oh, it’s a joke. I wouldn’t throw them out the backdoor. I threw them in the trash.
Anyway, I’m just going to list a few quick things that have been on my mind. I wanted to tell you that they all had to do with television, but they don’t and I’m not going to start lying now. And in all reality, if I decide to start lying, let’s hope I can make it more interesting than that.
Also, you may be saying, “Didn’t you just do a list thing about a week ago?”
Yes. Yes, I did. Thanks for noticing.
1. In a turn of events that supports my theory that my hormones are a little out of whack, here’s what I ate for dinner last night: corn on the cob, macaroni and cheese, and a glass of Chardonnay.
Some might think it would be hard to find a meal comprised of all yellow foods and beverages, but I found it surprisingly easy.
2. As I watched “24” on Monday night it dawned on me why I could never be Jack Bauer. (Other than the fact that I’ll never wear size 26 jeans and extra-small t-shirts) If I’d been contaminated with some sort of bio-weapon and only had twenty-four hours to live, I’d curl up in the bed with the remote control, a big bowl of chocolate chip cookie dough, and call it a day.
I’d also be on the horn calling everyone I know in an attempt to garner some sympathy for my plight, but kudos to Jack for saving the world instead.
3. Sometimes when I see a guy wearing some bizarre outfit or if I see a really tricky pair of men’s jeans with a lot of stitching, I do this thing in my head where I imagine P wearing that outfit because I have the mental capacity of a twelve-year-old and it cracks me up.
This game of imagination has never been more successful at completely making me hysterical than when Adam Lambert wore those tight, striped pants on “American Idol” last night.
4. And speaking of “American Idol”, when they showed Slash last night I made the startling realization that I had his exact hairstyle in my 1987 school picture.
Check it out:

With the exception of the hat, it’s like we were separated at birth.
And on that unfortunate note, I wish you all a great day filled with only good hair.