I wanted to go to the pool….

Caroline didn’t take a nap today so instead of the usual long day I had the excruciating long day. That’s the one that comes complete with whiny, tired toddler who feels like the whole world is out to get her because she can’t have a third popsicle. Lovely.

I finally got her ready for bed and was tucking her in. She went through her usual “I need a drink of water, sing another song, rock me”…and when those possibilities were finally exhausted she yelled “But I wanted to GO TO THE POOL TODAY!!” Sorry. No pool today. No one said it’s easy being almost 3.

Earlier today (during the no napping) we were on the computer playing games on Noggin. I think it was Pinky Dinky Doo and the big word game. The word we got was apprehensive. Caroline repeated it and asked “what that mean Mama?” I told her it’s when you’re worried about something. She said “I apprehensive about having bad dreams.” It was so sweet and very impressive for a child with 50% DNA that considers the Cabelas catalog to be a fine piece of literature.

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